DCHA Headquarters
1133 North Capital, located in NOMA, is the DCHA headquarters and comprises approximately one million gross square feet of developable density, bounded by North Capitol Street and M Street. MRP structured a ground lease with DCHA for control of a three-phase project and is partnering with TAA & CSG Urban to deliver a mixed-use and mixed-income (80% market/20% affordable) residential development. The development venture will close on all three parcels in Summer 2021, at which time Phase 1 (435 Units) will be shovel-ready. The land associated with Phases 2 and 3 is currently occupied by DCHA’s headquarters and will be leased back to them for approximately 42 months after which time these parcels can be put into development.
MRP was selected for the project based on concept and development plan; financial plans; offers and considerations to DCHA; Section 3 resident training and hiring plan; and the equity, development, subcontracting participation with combined, disadvantaged, and small business enterprises.